June 30, 2007
This was a hike with a group of 20 people from Woodland Park Community Church. Many of whom were new to hiking at high altitude, but the hike was a complete success. Everyone made the summit and we had no problems on the hike. Though one vehicle did have a flat tire on the way home.

We started this hike at 6 am to ensure plenty of time before weather rolled in.

It started off a little chilly that morning.

The sun began to hit the mountains soon after we had started.

After hiking a past the Dauntless mine we could see the summit.

It had been a cool enough night that some ice had formed on the ponds.

The group moved at a decent pace for so many people.

The road to the Hilltop Mine is in great shape and makes for pretty easy hiking.

The switchbacks to the ridge still had some snow concealing their location.

The group did quite well getting over the small cornice to reach the ridge.

We took a brief rest on the saddle.

Then it was up the ridge.

The ridge narrows after a while and makes the hike pretty interesting for those with a fear of heights.

We had minimal snow on the ridge, and where there was some the trail was well cut into it.

Once you get past the steep sections on the ridge you still have a bit of a walk to the actual summit of Sherman. A lot of people argue about which part is the true summit, but the latest survey showed the point that these people are on to be the true high point of Mount Sherman.

The summit was busy, but mostly because we brought 20 people.

Noah and Jason were the last to summit, but only 25 minutes behind the first. Not to shabby for a 6 year old. (Oops, sorry Noah, 6 and a half).

Group shot of the hikers on this trip (except for Aaron and I who were taking the pictures).

After a bit of celebration the group began the descent.

Jason and I then set up a glissade. The run-out was not good, so we went down first and then set up to stop anyone who couldn't stop themselves. Everything went great, though we did have to tackle one person to stop them in time. Everyone had a fun slide.

Then we took a short break at the Hilltop Mine to dry off and get the group together again.

Back on the road we made good time getting back to the cars.

I'm pretty sure everyone had a great day. The weather had been perfect, and everyone did a great job hiking. I look forward to next years hike.
This is probably the easiest 14er in Colorado, besides driving up Evans or Pikes Peak. However it is still a very nice hike with a section of ridge that gives a little sense of exposure.

The route goes past the remains of the Hilltop Mine. Several buildings still remain in relatively good condition. In fact the old bunkhouse makes for great shelter in the event of a thunder storm.

One advantage of hiking Mount Sherman, is that there is almost always someone around who will take your picture for you.

Anne-Marie and I took the Dailys on this mountian on one of our trips. This was thier first Fourteener. Though I think they were a little intimidated at first they did very well.

We did have a little problem with Doug on this hike, can you believe he actually answered his cell phone? Some people just can't leave the busyness behind I guess.

Though she was a little nervous about it, Laura stood on this edge in some high winds to get this great shot over looking the valley below.

I do think Laura enjoyed this trip more than anyone else that day. Here she is making a snow angel. How many people get the chance to make a snow angel in the summer?
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